Policy Cloud: All Rules in One Place, Easy-to-Find Company Guidelines

Policy Repository for easy access to HR Policies & Processes. HR can also select the policies for which a “mandatory” acceptance from the employees is required. 

Always up-to-date company rules

Easy access for all workers

Quick updates save time

Stay on Top of Important Company Policy Changes

Get quick messages when rules change. See who's read new rules. Make sure everyone knows about important updates to keep the company running smoothly.

  • Instant update notices

  • Track who's seen changes

  • Remind workers about key rules

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Frequently asked questions

How do workers find the rules they need?

They can search by words or browse by topics to find rules fast.

Can we make some rules just for certain teams?

Yes, you can set who sees which rules, so teams only see what they need.

What if a worker doesn't have a computer?

 They can see rules on their phone or at shared work computers..

How do we know if people understand the rules?

You can add small tests to check if workers get the main points.

Can old versions of rules be saved?

Yes, the system keeps old versions so you can see how rules have changed.

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